There is so much pressure put on us by society to make our bodies fit a
certain mold, a certain ideal. but we don’t look at the power of the body. The
body is an everyday miracle. This body gets you places. This body gives you the
ability to run, jump, play, laugh, be afraid, feel great, all by just existing. Isn’t
that a “good” body? It was when I shifted my mindset around my body from
being one that was unsatisfied to being grateful for where I am every single
day, that my relationship with my body changed. When I realized that my
worth depended on so much more than how my body looked, I felt free. It was
then I could start looking at my soft belly and releasing the expectations I had
on myself. I could look at my arms and love them for how the sagged, because
these arms were strong and allowed me to do so much.
This week is about letting go of an ideal when it comes to our body.
Again, to create our own narrative, not one that was sold to us. What does a
body that works for you look like? How can I love the body I’m in today – more??
I can be everything I want to be in this body. I don’t have to wait to be a
certain size or weight. I can be vast, be brilliant. I can take the space I deserve.
You can just be in your skin.
Activity #1:
Mirror Activity
I do this activity quite often personally, and I have a Youtube video that can
guide you as well!
Step One:
Step in Front of the mirror, set a timer for 2 minutes and look at
yourself. This can be really hard, but really look at yourself, your
body, all of you.
Step Two:
Pick Three Things you LOVE about your physical body. If you can’t
think of things you love about your body, what are things you
love about yourself.
Step Three:
Tell yourself, out loud, what you LOVE about yourself and why.
When was the first time you thought your body wasn’t a good body??